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Do DevOps right

DevOps begins with a culture shift. Processes, methodologies and tools help support that culture. No matter where you are in your DevOps journey, the principles of agile, continous delivery, Git, and IT, will help you begin or become an expert. These four guides are full of tutorials, definitions, best practices, and advice from Atlassian.

Learn how to bring it all together and do DevOps right.

Agile and DevOps

Agile, Scrum, DevOps. Are they different? The same? Where should I begin? Agile or DevOps? Does it really matter? We unravel answers to some of these popular questions.

IT and DevOps

Does building infrastructure as code, managing incidents better, or not fixing broken things over and over, intrigue you? Learn best practices for how to run Ops smoothly and bring it together with your Dev processes.

Continuous Delivery and DevOps

Automating, optimizing, and continually measuring business value are all classic traits of teams doing DevOps right. But there’s more. Is your team ready for DevOps?

Git and DevOps

Iterating quickly, releasing more often, and collaborating on code are key tenets of DevOps. Without a distributed version control system, like Git, these things can be tricky. Want to learn more about the advantages of Git? Keep reading.

How Atlassian does DevOps

In this ebook, we tell you:

  • What DevOps means to teams at Atlassian
  • How we build products the DevOps way
  • How we handle incidents
  • What we do to stay ahead of the game & much more

Get the full inside scoop.

How to choose DevOps tools?

No tool in the world will magically make you DevOps (or agile, or lean). However, there are tools and technologies that support collaboration and automation between teams. Read on to see what tools we recommend for different parts of the DevOps cycle.